Images of barcodes being scanned by Viziotix overlaid with text information to advertise the SITL expo in Paris 1-3 April 2025 Paris - Porte de Versailles - Pav. 1, Booth M060.

Powerful Barcode Scanning for Logistics at SITL 2025!

At SITL 2025 Viziotix will demonstrate how to implement its powerful barcode scanning software in a variety of solutions for logistics, including: mobile apps for delivery and pickup, fixed scanners for conveyors and dock-doors, forklift scanners, and overhead parcel sortation solutions. (Booth M060, 1-3 April 2025
Paris – Porte de Versailles – Pav. 1)

The latest v18 of the barcode scanner SDK locates barcodes in images and decodes them, whatever the number of barcodes, image quality or barcode condition. This process is almost instant for scanning single barcodes or even hundreds of barcodes in one frame. v18 includes a new feature called “Partial Decoding” that allows the decoding and sending of data from individual barcode codewords when the full barcode is not visible to the camera or damaged in some part. This technique can be used to find items that previously would have been missed from an inventory count, item sort or search process.

This new feature continues the progress Viziotix is making to optimize for automation and ensure that our software delivers the highest scan success rates and therefore the lowest manual rework costs of any barcode scanning solution.

How to find us?

Viziotix’s booth is in Pav1. booth M060.  We look forward to meeting you all!

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